
Luxury Bouquet “Romantic Pastel”


A refined and delicate bouquet with roses in pastel shades such as cream, pale pink, lilac … Colors synonymous with femininity, grace and sweetness. The delicacy of the colors of these roses makes this bouquet a perfect homage for a romantic and elegant person. Also perfect as a valid alternative to red roses.

Luxury selection, exclusive rich compositions finished in the smallest details.

Fioraio consegna fiori a Verona.

Delivery in Verona guaranteed on chosen day. Buy directly from the florist!
To order choose the size and click “Add to basket”:


Greeting card and gift packaging included in the price.

To order click add to basket, a page will open where you can enter delivery details and proceed with payment. You will receive a confirmation email. To guarantee delivery write all correct and precise datas.

The quantity of flowers used varies in the proposed sizes, the bouquet in the photo corresponds to “Medium” size. Each bouquet is handmade with fresh flowers and may differ slightly from the photo. If we run out of stock those flowers they can be replaced with similar flowers of equal or higher value, without altering the effect of the composition. Vase is not included on pricing.

Buy directly from the florist without intermediaries.
We guarantee delivery in Verona on the chosen day, even same day!

For any information we are at your disposal! Click here.